How to Use Human Perception to Elevate Design

Beyond Dashboards: Supporting Cognitive Work Through Deeper Problem Understanding
Beyond Dashboards: Supporting Cognitive Work Through Deeper Problem Understanding

An effective decision support tool requires deep domain knowledge, understanding of the problem space, and consideration of multiple perspectives while capturing the data relationships that really matter. Table of Contents Understanding Dashboard Implementation Challenges Function Over Form Relationships Put Data into Context Turning Challenges into Tailored Solutions Connect With Us Dashboards—touted as “at-a-glance” decision-support tools that display performance indicators or metrics—sit atop many companies’ current wish lists. These tools convey a promise to help users know more, make decisions faster, better understand organizational status, and meet business goals. Ideally, a dashboard takes complex data sets and transforms them into visualizations...

Lisa Douglas, PhD December 21, 2020

Cognitive Systems Engineering: Improving Human-Machine Teams
Cognitive Systems Engineering: Improving Human-Machine Teams

Mile 2’s software engineering process is built on the principles of cognitive systems engineering, resulting in a comprehensive focus on the intersection of people, technology, and work. Table of Contents What is CSE? Understanding the Work Conceptual Models Designing Human-Machine Teams Artifacts as Feedback Expanding our Expertise Connect With Us Mile 2 is a unique software design and development company that applies cognitive systems engineering (CSE) expertise to design effective human-machine teams. What is CSE? CSE refers to the process of understanding what humans do—especially when they interact with complex technology—and engineering new solutions based on that knowledge discovery. These...

Marisa Bigelow April 1, 2020

An Alternative Framework for Creating Joint Cognitive Systems
An Alternative Framework for Creating Joint Cognitive Systems

When working with our clients, we take a holistic view of experience to create human-machine systems that work together to achieve the goals of an organization and its users. Table of Contents Meaning Processing An Alternative Framework Endorsements Solving Complex Problems in Healthcare Connect With Us At Mile 2, we do more than build software solutions—we design comprehensive user experiences that help our customers solve complex problems. We accomplish this by focusing on all of the factors that impact experience, exploring the cognitive work involved when connecting people, technology, and work. Meaning Processing Mile 2 senior cognitive systems engineer (CSE)...

John Flach, PhD February 19, 2020

UX Design and Beyond: Shifting the Focus From User-Centered to Use-Centered Design
UX Design and Beyond: Shifting the Focus From User-Centered to Use-Centered Design

Mile 2 is committed to going beyond a user-centered perspective to consider the wider scope reflected in a use-centered framework. Use-centered design focuses on the user, the domain, and the interface and surveys the work domain to identify the field of possibilities or conversely, the constraints that bound the field. Table of Contents A Use-Centered Perspective Implications for UX Design Work Domain Analysis From User to User + Domain Connect With Us A Use-Centered Perspective Twenty-five years ago, Flach and Dominguez (1995) introduced the term “USE-Centered Design.” The goal of that article was to advocate for an expansion of the...

Michael Heroux September 26, 2019

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